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A New Autonomic Nerve Regulating Therapy

Report 活動報告

Activity contents 活動内容


22nd December 2019
"Ryodoraku Luncheon Study in Kitasenju" sponsored by IARMS Tokyo Planning Section was held. Dr. Hirohisa Oda held a study session focusing on the basics and clinical aspects of Ryodoraku therapy. If you are interested, please ask here.
IARMS東京企画セクション後援の「良導絡ランチョン・スタディ in 北千住」が催されました。小田博久先生によって良導絡療法の基礎と臨床を中心に勉強会がおこなわれました。興味のある方はこちらからお尋ね下さい。

3rd November 2019
”2019 Annual Workshop Lectures and Technical Seminars of Acupuncture and Ryodoraku Medicine” sponsored by IARMS held at Tokyo (Toho University, Faculty of Medicine).(2019_information_end), Brief poster (iarms 2019.pdf),(Program and Schedule) Details posted on Information site.
In this seminar, IARMS members were given a "Ryodoraku medical health handbook" issued by IARMS.
平成31/令和元年度の(社)国際良導絡医学会主催の”2019 針と良導絡のワークショップ講演および技術セミナー”は東京(東邦大学医学部)において開催いたしました(お知らせ),(iarms 2019.pdf),(プログラムとスケジュール)。詳細はこのHPの2019 案内をご覧ください。

16 September 2018
IARMS held ”Annual Workshop Lectures and Technical Seminars of Acupuncture and Ryodoraku Medicine” at Hokkaido University (Sapporo ; Conference Hall) Notice and Overview. For an outline of lecture or technical demonstration, please see the 2018_information_end, Program and schedule (Schedule)
This seminar held as The JMA Continuing Medical education lecture of the Japan Medical Association (2 credits)" with the approval of the Hokkaido Medical Association.
*Curriculum code: 0 (Other)
北海道大学(札幌;学術交流会館)にて、(社)国際良導絡医学会主催の”針と良導絡のワークショップ講演および技術セミナー”を開催いたしました (お知らせと概要)。 講演または技術供覧の概要は 2018_案内、プログラムとスケジュール をご覧ください。

1 May 2018,
IARMS has published official journal (Ryodoraku Medicine and Stimulus Therapy) in electronic version (Journal) .
(社)国際良導絡医学会は、公式の医学雑誌(良導絡医学と刺激療法)を電子版にて発行しました (Journal)。

18 to 19 November 2017,
IARMS held ”Annual Workshop Lectures and Technical Seminars of Acupuncture and Ryodoraku Medicine” at The Healthpia-Kurashiki, in Kurashiki University of Science and The Arts. in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture, Japan. (2017_information_end),
Circular latest (iarms 2017.pdf), Program and schedule (schedule.pdf)
岡山県倉敷市の倉敷芸術科学大学(ヘルスピア倉敷)にて、"針と良導絡のワークショップ講演および技術セミナー"を開催しました。 講演または技術供覧の概要は 2017_案内、 プログラムとスケジュール をご覧ください。

In October 2017,
IARMS started the member (Regular / Associate) recruitment, and the details please refer to enrollment Admission guidance.

In November 2016,
Our association was renamed from International Federation of Ryodoraku Medicine (IFRM) to International Association of Ryodoraku Medical Science (IARMS).

8 to 9 October 2016,
The 1st Symposium of International Federation of Ryodoraku Medicine; IFRM for commemorate the establishment was held in Hokkaido University Conference hall.
(Final Program – Abstracts and Proceedings) and/with The 68th Congress of the Japanese Society of Ryodoraku Medicine, JSRM. Theme of the Congress : Developing of Ryodoraku medicine
北海道大学学術交流会館にて第1回(社)国際良導絡学会設立記念シンポジウムが開催された。同時開催 第68回 日本良導絡自律神経学会(テーマ;発展する良導絡)

25 March 2016,
International Federation of Ryodoraku Medicine (IFRM) was established in Sapporo and registered as a corporation in Sapporo Legal Affairs Bureau.

Headquarters / Secretariat
法人本部 / 事務局

c/o IARMS in Nakane Toshie Rehabilitation Internal Medicine Pediatric Clinic, 10-2-1 Minami 32 Jyo-Nishi 10 chome, Minami-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido, 005-0032, JAPAN.

北海道札幌市南区南32条西10-2-1 中根敏得リハビリテーション内科小児科医院内