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A New Autonomic Nerve Regulating Therapy


Sunday, 3rd November 2019 ; Ended
平成31年11月3日(日;祝) ; 終了しました。

IARMS Annual Workshop lectures and technical seminars in Tokyo JAPAN.
(社) 国際良導絡医学会主催 ワークショップ講演とテクニカルセミナー in 東京

IARMS held ”2019 Annual Workshop Lectures and Technical Seminars of Acupuncture and Ryodoraku Medicine” at Toho University, Faculty of Medicine (Omori Campus), in Tokyo Japan. (Information), (),

東京都の東邦大学医学部(大森キャンパス;3号館)にて、"2019 針と良導絡ワークショップ講演および技術セミナー"を開催しました。()、()

Program and Schedule, プログラムとスケジュール ()
Workshop Lectures ワークショップ講演
Talk 講演 1 "Consideration of fluctuation of skin current in Ryodoraku (Meridian) measurement using eigenvectors of principal component analysis"
Abstract 要旨
Hiroshi ENDO LAc PhD. 遠藤 宏
Prof. of Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts. Department of Life and Health Science <Major of Acupuncture and Moxibustion>
倉敷芸術科学大学 生命科学部 健康科学科<鍼灸専攻> / 教授

Language: Japanese 言語:日本語
Talk 講演 2 "Regulatory effect by the thermal stimulation on the excitation and/or suppression point in Ryodoraku that show(s) deviation from the normal range on Ryodoraku (Meridian) Chart.
―Effect of electronic thermal stimulation device (electronic moxa) especially on excitable point―"
Masaki HAYASHI LAc. 林 正貴
Director of Forest Acupuncture Treatment Center.
フォレスト鍼灸院 / 院長

Language: Japanese 言語:日本語
Talk 講演 3 "Characteristics of skin electrical resistance excited and inhibition parts using Ryodoraku for cervical and lumbar vertebral diseases"
Abstract 抄録
Kentaro MORI LAc JT. 森 健太郎
Director of Mori Acupuncture clinic and LOCOMO-STATION Mature person's cram school, Department of Rehabilitation in Shinoro Orthopedic Clinic.
ロコモステーションおとな塾 森 はりきゅう院 / 院長、篠路整形外科リハビリテーション科 / 針灸師・柔道整復師

Language: Japanese 言語:日本語
Talk 講演 4 "The medical circumstances of Ryodoraku in South Korea"

Jong-Soo LEE KMD PhD. 李 鐘秀
Prof. of Kyug Hee Universuty , Department of Rehabilitation, Korean medicine -in Seoul Korea
慶煕大学校 韓方再活医学科(ソウル;韓国) / 教授

Language: English 言語:英語
Special Lecture
"The useful effects for human body used by Fango, maturated with hot spring water ~Focused on pain relief~"
「温泉を利用したFango施術によるヒトへの有効性 ~特に疼痛緩和について~」
Abstract 抄録
Kenji SUGIMORI 杉森賢司
Asis.Prof. Department of Biology, School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Toho University.
東邦大学医学部 生物学研究室 / 講師

Language: Japanese and English 言語:日本語と英語
Technical Seminar 技術セミナー
(Theme of New Electrical Needling method useful for doctor's clinic 医師の臨床に役立つ新Electrical Needling法)
Practical Introduction
"Basic (Ryodoraku) treatment"

Clinical Education
"Needling technique on electro permeable points following to Sohtetsu Ishisaka school"

Hirohisa ODA LAc PhD. 小田 博久
Former President of MEIJI COLLEGE OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE (MCOM) -in Berkeley California USA
メイジカレッジ・オブ・オリエンタルメディシン(カリフォルニア州;USA) / 元学長

Language: Japanese and English 言語:日本語と英語
Clinical Application
臨床応用 1
Ryodoraku Electrical Needling for contributing to the society that is aging of the population progresses (part 1), "Approaching to Dysphagia"
”高齢化社会のための良導絡針療法” その1「嚥下困難に対するアプローチ」
,Acupoints for treat
Rie NAKANE MD. 中根理江
The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine (JARM) Specialist in Nakane Toshie Rehabilitation & Pediatrics Clinic
中根 敏得リハビリテーション・内科・小児科医院 / 日本リハビリテーション医学会専門医

Language: Japanese and English 言語:日本語と英語
Clinical Application
臨床応用 2
Ryodoraku Electrical Needling for contributing to the society that is aging of the population progresses (part 2), "Ophthalmic treatment by Nakatani method"
”高齢化社会のための良導絡針療法” その2「中谷式眼科治療」
,Acupoints for treat
Toshie NAKANE MD.PhD. 中根敏得
Director of Nakane Toshie Rehabilitation & Pediatrics Clinic
中根 敏得リハビリテーション・内科・小児科医院 / 院長

Language: Japanese 言語:日本語
Clinical Application
臨床応用 3
"Demonstration of electro needling for upper back muscle stiffness and low back pain"
,Acupoints for treat
Masuzou TANEDA MD PhD. 種田 益造
Department of Anesthesiology in Japanese Red Cross Medical Center / Anesthesiologist
日本赤十字社医療センター / 麻酔科医

Language: Japanese and English 言語:日本語と英語
Clinical Application
臨床応用 4
"Electrical needle treatment for eye strain"
,Acupoints for treat
Kumiko FURUNO MD PhD. 古野 久美子
Director of Third Eye Ophthalmic Clinic / Ophthalmologist
サードアイ眼科 / 院長

Language: Japanese and English 言語:日本語と英語
Poster presentation ポスター発表 (No title, length 120 cm × width 90 cm ; タイトル含まず、縦120cm×横90cm)

■Seminars gallery ギャラリー
”Annual Workshop Lectures and Technical Seminars of Acupuncture and Ryodoraku Medicine” sponsored by IARMS in 2019
2019 (社)国際良導絡医学会主催の”針と良導絡のワークショップ講演および技術セミナー”


Venue : Toho University, Faculty of Medicine
会場 : 東邦大学(医学部)

Kentaro MORI LAc. Lecture on "Characteristics of skin electrical resistance excited and inhibition parts using Ryodoraku for cervical and lumbar vertebral diseases"
森 健太郎 先生の講演

Q & A response of Kentaro MORI LAc.
森 健太郎 先生への質疑応答

Jong-Soo LEE KMD PhD. Lecture on "The medical circumstances of Ryodoraku in South Korea"
李 鐘秀 先生の講演

Q & A response of Jong-Soo LEE KMD PhD.
李 鐘秀 先生への質疑応答

Kenji SUGIMORI Asis. Prof. Special lecture on "The useful effects for human body used by Fango, maturated with hot spring water ~Focused on pain relief~"
杉森賢司 先生の特別講演
「温泉を利用したFango施術によるヒトへの有効性 ~特に疼痛緩和について~」

Special lecture similar to the previous picture

Toho University students helped with the reception. Thank you.

At this seminar, IARMS members were given a Ryodoraku medical health handbook issued by IARMS.

Hirohisa ODA LAc PhD. Clinical Education on "Needling technique on electro permeable points following to Sohtetsu Ishisaka school"
小田 博久 先生の臨床教育

Hirohisa ODA LAc PhD. Technical instructions on "Needling technique on electro permeable points following to Sohtetsu Ishisaka school"
小田 博久 先生の技術供覧

Rie NAKANE MD. Technical instructions on "Approaching to Dysphagia"
中根 理江 先生の技術供覧

Treatment similar to the previous picture

Toshie NAKANE MD.PhD. Technical instructions on "Ophthalmic treatment by Nakatani method"
中根 敏得 先生(会長)の技術供覧

"Nakatani Ophthalmic Treatment Points" was directly directed by the president.

Masuzou TANEDA MD PhD. Technical instructions on "Demonstration of electro needling for upper back muscle stiffness and low back pain"
種田 益造 先生の技術供覧

Treatment similar to the previous picture

Treatment similar to the previous picture

Kumiko FURUNO MD PhD. Technical instructions on "Electrical needle treatment for eye strain"
古野 久美子 先生の技術供覧

Treatment similar to the previous picture

After the seminar, the staff took a commemorative (group) photo with Chairman Toshie NAKANE MD PhD.

The day before the seminar, Annual drinking party with the president (Toshie NAKANE MD PhD.) of IARMS at Toho University cafeteria.

A Korean-made Ryodoraku measuring instrument was also exhibited.

Headquarters / Secretariat
法人本部 / 事務局

c/o IARMS in Nakane Toshie Rehabilitation Internal Medicine Pediatric Clinic, 10-2-1 Minami 32 Jyo-Nishi 10 chome, Minami-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido, 005-0032, JAPAN.

北海道札幌市南区南32条西10-2-1 中根敏得リハビリテーション内科小児科医院内 QR of Information