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A New Autonomic Nerve Regulating Therapy

Greeting ご挨拶

Inaugurated as chairman 会長就任


I have been practicing Ryodoraku therapy (Ryodoraku Autonomic Nervous System Regulating Therapy) for many years. Ryodoraku Therapy that is a physical therapy to regulate autonomic nervous system with electro-acupuncture was pioneered and developed by late Nakatani MD. Although we, Physicians do not know acupuncture or Oriental theory, Ryodoraku therapy is easy to use in our daily activities. In addition, it can be applied on various symptoms. It works on the symptom that does not respond to the occidental medical treatment, because it increases self-healing capacity. Modern medical society has a tendency to consider value and preference of cutting-edge medicine. However, physician who has a close contact of the patient in every day gives first priority to cure the common disease and pain. Ryodoraku is surely great useful for this purpose. When I learn the limit of occidental medicine, Ryodoraku therapy gave me a magnificent healing power many times. I believe there is nothing so excellent like Ryodoraku as the complementary medicine. Ryodoraku therapy is very safe treatment method without any adverse effect. Therefore, Physician can apply this treatment on baby to elderly people, and they can receive it with ease. Moreover, this remedy can give us the entire body information, and we can give an appropriate treatment on the patient. Holistic medicine is reviewed today, and Ryodoraku medicine is the considerable remedy for the current modern medicine, I believe. The days when Nakatani MD was alive, Ryodoraku widely drew attention. Many physicians in not only Japan, but also in many foreign countries were interested in Ryodoraku, and it became popular. However, Ryodoraku treatment is rapidly disappearing in medical setting today. It is awfully sorry that the young MD and medical practitioners are losing the interest in Ryodoraku. We have a responsibility to make an effort not let the tradition die out, and should help the patient with Ryodoraku therapy. International Association of Ryodoraku Medical Science (IARMS) was established as a compilation of my Ryodoraku practice on patients. We will associate to offer the information of the practical treatment method to the purpose to be understood by common people. I wish our association activity can contribute to deepen the public understanding of Ryodoraku medicine.

Toshie Nakane, MD, Ph.,D,
Chairman of the Board General Corporate Judicial Person
International Association of Ryodoraku Medical Science (IARMS)


 一般社団法人 国際良導絡医学会は、私がこれまでおこなってきた良導絡治療の集大成として結成したものです。医療関係者だけでなく、一般の方々にも良導絡治療を知っていただくために、研究のみならず治療の仕方にも関わってまいりたいと思います。本会の活動が、一般の方々の良導絡治療への理解を深める一助になることを願ってやみません。

一般社団法人 国際良導絡医学会
会長 中根 敏得

Headquarters / Secretariat
法人本部 / 事務局

c/o IARMS in Nakane Toshie Rehabilitation Internal Medicine Pediatric Clinic, 10-2-1 Minami 32 Jyo-Nishi 10 chome, Minami-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido, 005-0032, JAPAN.

北海道札幌市南区南32条西10-2-1 中根敏得リハビリテーション内科小児科医院内