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A New Autonomic Nerve Regulating Therapy

Publications 電子出版物

IARMS distributes and publishes the official medical journal "Ryodoraku Medicine and Stimulation Therapy". In addition, Ryodoraku textbook (written by the late Dr.Yoshio Nakatani), various treatises and abstracts related to Ryodoraku medicine, and explanations of Ryodoraku equipment are also distributed. As a general rule, these can be freely viewed and downloaded. However, some are restricted by passcodes.

Official Journal 機関紙

"Original Thesis","Review / Survey","Clinical Case Report","Letter / Brief Communication ets".

  • Ryodoraku Medicine and Stimulus Therapy
  • Contribution Form

This is Link of The Web Article Contribution Form for "Ryodoraku Medicine and Stimulus Therapy"as IARMS Offical Sciences Journal
これは国際良導絡医学会;公式な学術雑誌 "良導絡医学と刺激療法"のWeb投稿フォームヘのリンクです。

Ryodoraku Textbook (by the late Dr.Yoshio Nakatani)

Some people are skeptical of Ryodoraku's medicine. Some people deny Ryodoraku medicine. They don't even do additional exams, they just insist on their theory. Perhaps they are not scientists. Before affirming or denying Ryodoraku medicine, you should first read the books of our predecessors, especially the founders. (For that reason, we deliver here) After that, new research should be developed by adding support, denial, correction, avoidance, deletion, etc. to the theory of Ryodoraku. This is probably called "warm old wisdom new". We also think that this is a condition to protect traditional medicine. IARMS continues to work with this spirit in mind.
良導絡医学に懐疑的な人がいます。なかには良導絡医学を否定する者もいます。その者達は追試もおこなわないで、持論を主張するばかりです。おそらく、彼らは科学者では無いでしょう。 良導絡医学を肯定や否定する前に、まず先人たち、とくに創始者の書物を読むべきです。(その為に、我々はここで配信する) その後、新たな研究で、良導絡理論について支持、否定、訂正、回避、削除など加えて発展させるべきです。 これが「温故知新」というのでしょう。またこれが伝統医学を守る条件だと我々は考えます。 IARMSではこの精神を念頭に活動し続けています。

  • Ryodoraku Acupuncture A Guide for the Application of Ryodoraku Therapy ;Electrical Acupuncture, a New Autonomic Nerve Regulating Therapy here (in English; 英語)
  • Introduction of clinical Ryodoraku
    良導絡臨床入門 here (in Japanese; 日本語)
  • Knowledge required for Ryodoraku (Manuscript)
    良導絡に必要な知識(遺稿) here (in Japanese; 日本語)
  • Clinical neuralgia
    神経痛の臨床 here (in Japanese; 日本語)
  • Electrical Acupuncture
    電気針 here (in Japanese; 日本語)

This is a text written at the time when Ryodoraku Medicine was founded. We will distribute these as PDF on the web.

Headquarters / Secretariat
法人本部 / 事務局

c/o IARMS in Nakane Toshie Rehabilitation Internal Medicine Pediatric Clinic, 10-2-1 Minami 32 Jyo-Nishi 10 chome, Minami-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido, 005-0032, JAPAN.

北海道札幌市南区南32条西10-2-1 中根敏得リハビリテーション内科小児科医院内
